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Why Hire a Broker?

Over the years we have written articles on just about every topic concerning self-storage, but rarely have we explained what a real estate broker does and why do we get paid to buy and sell self-storage properties? The easy answer is that our clients believe they get value from using a broker’s services, but there is more to it than that.

In 2014, more than $1 Billion of self-storage properties were sold. The majority of those transactions, 90% or more, were handled by a broker.

Many self-storage owners who are considering selling or buying a property in the near future may wonder why so many people choose to use the services of a broker rather than handling the transaction themselves.

The easy answer is that real estate clients believe they get value form using a broker’s services.  Another answer might be that an owner might use a broker for the same reason they see a cardiologist rather than consult their brother-in-law when they have chest pain. Let’s explore the elements of a real estate transaction and discuss the pros and cons of enlisting the services of a real estate professional.



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